Brooke Curtis » Classroom Rules

Classroom Rules

Here are our classroom rules. We do not focus on what they are doing wrong, but what they should be doing instead.

Class Rules

1. We Walk. - This is important so no one gets hurt.

2. We listen. - We listen to the teachers so we can learn, have fun, and make green choices.

3. We share. - We share all our toys, supplies, and activities. It is more fun that way!

4. We clean up. - We clean up so we can learn responsibility, make our room clean, and to take care of our classroom.

5. We take care of our school. - We pick up trash while we walk around the school, we help others, and we respect school property.

Please discuss the reasons "why" the rules are so important with your child. :0)

Red and Green Choices

We want everyone to succeed in school. This year we will be using the behavior strategy - red choices and green choices. Red choices are sad. We don't want to make those. Green choices are great! We want everyone to make green choices and get a happy note home! Please discuss this with your child to ensure their success.